Thursday, May 19, 2011

PsTools::Remote tools

Share resource

NET SHARE sharename=drive:path /REMARK:"text" [/CACHE:Manual | Automatic | No ]
NET SHARE temp=c:\tmp /REMARK:"temporal files"

Drop share.
NET SHARE {sharename | devicename | drive:path} /DELETE

Show resources
net view \\192.168.1.x

Open remote console

psexec \\IP -u USER -p PASSWORD

If Access denied(Acceso denegado) results, then:

Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools,Local Security Policy.
Open the Local Policies, Security Options.

Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only set to Disabled.

if don't work try:

Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts set to "Classic - local users authenticate as themselves".

Notes(Remote Computer):

a) Debe tener habilitada la opción de "Compartir impresoras y archivos" (Inicio -> Ejecutar.... ncpa.cpl)
b) Debe tener deshabilitada la opción "Utilizar uso compartido simple de archivos"
c) Si tiene habilitado algún firewall debe permitir las conexiones por los puertos NetBIOS.
d) La máquina remota debe correr win NT, 2000, XP Pro, Vista o Server 2003
e) Tener usuario y contraseña válidos en la máquina remota
f) La máquina remota debe tener habilitado el recurso IPC$ y ADMIN$
g) La máquina remota debe tener iniciados los servicios NetLogon y Server

[1] psTools Download
[2] HOW TO: Restore Administrative Shares That Have Been Deleted
[3] Windows XP Professional File Sharing
[4] How to use the Simple File Sharing feature to share files in Windows XP

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Firefox open multiple private window

    /opt/firefox/firefox-bin --profile $(mktemp -d) --private-window