[1] Parallel STL https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/performance-of-the-parallel-stl-algorithmn
Software Developer, Programming, Web resources and entertaiment. Desarrollo de software, programación, recursos web y entretenimiento.
[1] Calculo http://blog.espol.edu.ec/srpinarg/files/2014/05/Calculo-de-Purcell-9na-Edici%C3%B3n.pdf
Game of Thrones Blue Ray sub titles
[2] Shifter https://subshifter.bitsnbites.eu/
0. Previous requeriments
$sudo apt install img2pdf
$sudo apt install ocrmypdf
1. Download images by script
for n in `seq 1 23`
sn=`printf "%02d" $n`
echo $sn
wget https://larepublica.cronosmedia.glr.pe/printed/2021/07/01/lima/pages/$sn.jpeg
2. Convert images to pdf (after executed download script by sh)
$img2pdf *.jpeg --output rep1.pdf #or
$convert *.jpeg rep2.pdf
$ocrmypdf rep1.pdf rep1_ocr.pdf #reduce size
Notes for convert command(change from none to read|write):
sudo vim /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />
[1] El Pueblo news url https://www.diarioelpueblo.com.pe/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/01-07-2021.pdf
[1] Diario/Seq https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/17.0/sequence_for_journal