Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist:ERROR
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.role_edges' doesn't exist
$mysql_upgrade -u root
Access problem (resolve inner mysql)
$mysql -u root -p
>show GRANTS FOR onepoint@localhost;
Execution problem
Turns out simply creating the folder using mkdir
$sudo mkdir /etc/mono/registry
$sudo chmod uog+rw /etc/mono/registry # setting the right permissions
Another way
You can set MONO_REGISTRY_PATH to point to a directory that you control:
$mkdir my-registry
Next problem
System.MissingMethodException Method 'RouteCollection.get_AppendTrailingSlash' not found.
[uxxx@sxxx MaxxCoreWeb]$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 4.0.5 (Stable Mon Jan 4 11:09:45 UTC 2016)
These message showed because the system was build in mono 4.5 and mono 4.2 (both are compatible
for me in my system), but in my case i installed mono 4, lastest on Fedora 23.
Command for update repository to Fedora 27, but after update still doesn't ran
$rpm --import ""
$su -c 'curl | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mono-centos7-stable.repo'
$dnf update
I removed mono and tried to install mono 5, mono 4.8 and mono 4.2, but i got error of conflicts. Then i executed next command:
$sudo dnf autoremove #for remove dependences
And tried again and was successful.
$ sudo dnf install mono-complete-
[1] Upgrade tips
[2] mono