Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Salesforce::Class for Retrieve data from another URL using JSON

1) You need register url of repository.

2) Apex Class

public class JsonSecondController {
String name;
public PageReference test() {
return null;
public PageReference submit() {
return null;

public String getName() { return name;}
public void setName(String nname) { name=nname;}

public List getOptions()

List defaultResult= new List();
defaultResult.add(new SelectOption('','---'));

list lvalues;
String values=getJsonString('342096656648874');
lvalues=JSONObject.jsonarray ( new JSONObject.JSONTokener( values ) );
catch(Exception e)
return defaultResult;
return getSelectOptions(lvalues);

private String getJsonString(String id) {

String json;
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
// generate the url for the request
String url = 'http://datarepository/page.aspx/GetIndustries/'+id;
req.setEndpoint(url);// add the endpoint to the request
HTTPResponse resp = http.send(req);
json = resp.getBody().replace('\n', '');

try {
//System.debug('Respond code: ' + resp.getStatus());
return json;
} catch (JSONObject.JSONException e) {
return 'Error parsing JSON response: '+e;

private List getSelectOptions(list l)
List elements=new List();
for (Integer i = 0; i < l.size(); i++){
JSONObject v = l.get(i).obj;
String value=v.getValue('Value').str;
String label=v.getValue('Text').str;
elements.add(new SelectOption(value,label));

return elements;



2) Apex Page

<apex:page controller="JsonSecondController">
<apex:form >

<apex:selectList id="idindustry" value="{!name}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!Options}"/>

<apex:commandButton value="Test" action="{!test}" rerender="out" status="status"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="out">
<apex:actionstatus id="status" startText="testing...">



[1] JSONObject http://www.embracingthecloud.com/CommentView,guid,6ca59b34-f896-48a2-b1bf-33ffbe96b4ec.aspx
[2] http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Building_Android_Applications_with_the_Force.com_REST_API
[3] JSON Validator page http://www.jsonlint.com/

Monday, March 14, 2011

JasperReport::Export to Text

CHAR_HEIGHT = REPORT_HEIGHT / MAX_CHAR_PER_COL =524 / 44 = 11.9 //11//10

JRTextExporter exporter = new JRTextExporter();
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "c:\\textreport1.txt");
exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_WIDTH, new Integer(6));
exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_HEIGHT, new Integer(11));

[2] http://www.cepeu.edu.py/LIBROS_ELECTRONICOS_3/lpcu089%20-%2001.pdf
[3] http://chuwiki.chuidiang.org/index.php?title=Ejemplo_b%C3%A1sico_con_Jasper_Report

PostgreSql Date Format

If you need change date format into postgres database, need execute next commands

SET DATESTYLE TO iso,dmy --dd/mm/yyyy

this setting apply to current session; for permanent change modify postgresq.conf, section Locale and Formatting:

datestyle = 'iso, mdy'

Now you need reestart database

#service postgresql restart

Reload config settings without restarting database
If you are making modifications to the file postgresql.conf (or similar), and you want to new settings to take effect without needing to restart the entire database, there are two ways to accomplish this.

Option 1: From the command-line shell
#su - postgres
$/usr/bin/pg_ctl reload

Option 2: Using SQL

SELECT pg_reload_conf();

Using either option will not interrupt any active queries or connections to the database.

[1] SET http://www.commandprompt.com/ppbook/r28464
[2] http://heatware.net/databases/postgresql-reload-config-without-restarting/

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wireless::Proveedores de Equipos



Wireless Metrics

dBm is defined as power ratio in decibel (dB) referenced to one milliwatt (mW). It is an abbreviation for dB with respect to 1 mW and the "m" in dBm stands for milliwatt.

dBm is different from dB. dBm represents absolute power, whereas dB is a ratio of two values and is used to represent gain or attenuation. For example, 3 dBm means 2 mW, and 3 dB means a gain of 2. Similarly, -3 dBm means 0.5 mW, whereas -3 dB means attenuation of 2.

The formula to calculate dBm from mW is:

dBm = 10 log10( P )

Table of dBm and mW

Ubuntu Forware port 80

  #!/bin/bash iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tc...